Frying Pan Loop
Frying Pan Loop From Bandon Grove
Rating: Intermediate
Ride with GPS:
Distance: 39km
Surface: 100% gravel
A fairly challenging 39km loop of bush tracks through the upper reaches of the Telegherry River involving 750m of climbing.
Drive 12kms from Dungog to Bandon Grove to commence the ride from the picnic area, where you can swim in the pristine Williams River, or start the ride from the Jerusalem Creek top carpark, which is a 20km drive north of Dungog, which will reduce this ride to a 22km ride.
The National Parks have constructed a toilet and water tank at the car park.
The Jerusalem Falls walk is worth a look. It is a wonderful example of the World Heritage Gondwana forest. Keep an eye out for the shiny, black Land Mullet, a harmless skink and the largest in Australia. At the carpark you can view Coachwood (collected from this area and used in the Opera House), Tallow wood and Turpintine trees.
NOTE: The State Forests are logged irregularly. So be careful to stay on the main track and don’t be tempted to follow a fresh logging track. They usually lead to a dead end, but could mean a bit of extra climbing to get back onto the forest road.
Ride up out of the Jerusalem Creek carpark and turn left onto Wangat Rd;
Turn right into Middle Ridge Rd. Continue down the hill to Tillegherry Camping area, over the hill and
Take the right fork into Frying Pan Rd and continue to the Frying Pan Creek Camping area.
Take a right turn to continue on up Frying Pan Rd for a long climb to
The right turn at Skimmings Gap Rd. Follow the undulations up to
The turn off on the right for a short climb to the Knob Lookout, with its excellent views of the William valley, Turn right out of the Knob Lookout track and enjoy mainly downhill until
The Skimmings Gap Rd meets Wangat Rd back to the Jerusalem Creek carpark.
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Frying Pan Loop Elevation